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District Newsletter - March 2025

Posted Date: 3/04/25 (5:34 PM)


District Newsletter | March 2025

Important Dates  

3/5: Half Day
3/17: Staff Professional Development (no school for students)


Dr. Linda Dwight, Superintendent

Superintendent's Message

Dear Families of Harvard Students,

Recently, in the news, you may have heard about the recall of national protections for the LGBTQ community. We want to reassure students and their families that we will continue to provide a safe and supportive school environment for all. We wanted to share information about protections provided by the state of Massachusetts and our school district. Fortunately, our state has been ahead of the national response in the care of students. The Acting Commissioner of Education, Russell Johnston, recently sent out the following details in his newsletter

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Educational Vision remains unchanged. In its simplest form, it is to create a public education system where every student is seen, heard, and valued and where all students have the opportunity to thrive.

This work remains firmly grounded in Massachusetts General Law Chapter 76, Section 5, which prohibits discrimination in public schools based on race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation, and the Massachusetts Constitution, Article CXIV of which prohibits discrimination based on disability. Massachusetts schools remain responsible for providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all students, and this responsibility under state law is not impacted by recent executive orders at the federal level. Our guidance on nondiscrimination on the basis of gender identity in public schools is unchanged.

It is essential that schools should continue their support for marginalized students — including LGBTQ students — to reinforce that they belong in their school communities. Research consistently demonstrates that when schools take proactive steps to foster inclusivity - through strong policies, affirming practices, and supportive educators - students experience improved mental health, academic success, and overall well-being.

School and district leaders are strongly encouraged to continue implementing policies and practices that protect all students, including transgender and nonbinary students. The Safe Schools Program for LGBTQ Students is available to provide training, technical assistance, and implementation support to help schools uphold these commitments. If your school or district would like assistance in continuing this essential work, please reach out through the contact information at the link above.

We can work together so that all students in Massachusetts experience a safe, supportive, and affirming learning environment.

We are fortunate to live and educate students in a state where our core values are not taken for granted but are supported by the laws. We will continue to verbalize and act in support of our students. 

Dr. Linda Dwight, Dana Labb, Michelle DellaValle, Dan Hudder, Kim Murphy, and Dr. Rebecca Katsh-Singer

Central Office Updates:
Dana Labb, Assistant Superintendent

Greetings Harvard and Devens Families and Caregivers,

We extend our sincere appreciation to Harvard Schools PTO and Harvard Schools Trust, for their generous grant contributions. We encourage you to become a member: 
Harvard PTO
Harvard Schools Trust > Membership > 2024-2025 Membership

Arm in Arm is returning to its educational program on religions, the similarities and differences. Come join us for a visit to the Sikh Temple in Westborough on Sunday, March 9 from 11:15 AM-1:15 PM. This is an educational event and we will be greeted by student ambassadors and meet with the Temple’s leaders to learn the many dimensions of Sikhism. For those who would like to share the experience, we will have two large vans to take us there from Harvard at 10:30 AM. 

March is Women’s History Month, Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. We must acknowledge these for members in our community as we work to highlight the achievements of women and the traditions and celebrations of our school community. 

Local and Regional Events and opportunities for celebrating Women’s History

Throughout March 2025, the Boston Public Library and its various locations are hosting multiple events celebrating Women’s History Month. 

Harvard Woman's Club

Explore Women’s History in Massachusetts

Boston Women's Heritage Trail

Activities & Exhibits | Worcester Women's History Project (WWHP)

Best regards,
Dana Labb
Assistant Superintendent

Special Education Updates:
Michelle DellaValle, Director of Pupil Services

The Pupil Services office supports learners with specialized needs. This includes students who receive special education services, those on 504 accommodation plans, English learners and students who are experiencing home instability.  

New Massachusetts IEP Form: 
Starting this fall, Harvard is transitioning to the New Massachusetts IEP Form.  The New IEP form is designed using easier to understand language and is centered around the student’s strengths and vision.  Special education staff have participated in trainings and work sessions to familiarize themselves with this new document.  Harvard has developed district forms and processes in hopes of creating a smooth and consistent experience for parents and caregivers.  For children receiving special education services, parents and caregivers can expect their next IEP meeting to use the New IEP form.  

Below are resources to learn more about the New IEP, including a presentation from Spring 2024. 

New IEP Parent/Caregiver Slides Spring 2024
New IEP Parent/Caregiver Zoom
Passcode: L+.od0h8

DESE: IEP Improvement Project - Special Education
FCSN: The New IEP Form

Digital Signature:
Harvard uses Digital Signature through the PowerSchool Special Programs application to obtain parental consent for Special Education and Section 504 documents.  When a document is ready for signature, you will receive a notice through PowerSchool Special Programs.  You will first be asked to agree to the use of Digital Signature which is non-binding to any portion of the IEP or 504.  Use of Digital Signature is completely voluntary.  If you wish to receive paper or pdf copies of documents, please let your child’s special education liaison or the designated 504 coordinator know.  


DESE/DDS Residential Prevention Program: Open Interest Period 

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) have partnered to create a program of wraparound services for students ages 6-21. The primary goal is to help prevent a more restrictive educational or out-of-home residential placement. The Residential Prevention Program does this by creating an individualized plan of supports for the participant that promotes skill building, independence, and social integration across multiple settings including the participant’s home, school, and community.
- The program provides students and their families:
- The chance to have in-home supports including senior level therapists and skills trainers
- A dedicated navigator agency to identify and hire staff
- Life-long skills development
- Opportunities to practice skills in their home setting and community

This Open Interest period is offered to refresh the list of interested students and families. The DESE/DDS Residential Prevention Program is near capacity; however, new participants are added from the Interest List as spaces become available.

The DESE/DDS Residential Prevention Program has moved to an online submission process. Please complete the online Open Interest Form here.

If you choose to use the paper Family Letter and Open Interest Form 2025, it must be downloaded, saved, and emailed to

All Open Interest Forms must be postmarked, received by email, or filled out in the online form by March 31, 2025.

Please contact the HPS Department of Pupil Services or your child's special education liaison if you have questions about this program.

New Mass Literacy for Families and Communities resource: The Mass Literacy Guide has been empowering educators since 2020 with practical strategies and resources for preK-3 literacy. Now this hub of early literacy information includes a section designed specifically for families and communities. Families and community members can use the site to learn more about reading and writing instruction and how to support it at home. Educators can use the site to provide caregivers with information about evidence-based early literacy.

Mass Partnerships for Youth Parent and Caregiver Resource Library: Mass Partnerships for Youth offers a library of quick videos and handouts with information and strategies for common challenges that parents and caregivers encounter.

Children with disabilities may be eligible for MassHealth Child Disability Supplement.  More information and forms are found at:

Children's Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI):
Children who qualify for MassHealth and have Emotional, Behavioral or Mental Health needs may be eligible for integrated services through CBHI. Information can be found at:

ARICA (An Act Relative to Insurance Coverage for Autism):  
ARICA is a law that requires private health insurers in Massachusetts to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  More information is available through the Insurance Resource Center:

In This Issue...


Join us on April 8th at 6 PM for a community discussion on The Anxious Generation at HES. Registration is required. Please click here to register. 

Harvard Public Library:

The Harvard Public Library currently has a Ramadan display in the children's room.

27A Massachusetts Avenue, Harvard MA, 01451   |   (978) 456-4140